Götrich & Co @ Humlegårdsgatan 19
Located in Humlegårdsgatan together with several other premium stores, the Götrich & Co store is all about classic elegance. The carefully handcrafted wooden panels and textiles in earthy colors give both an elegant and warm atmosphere. The inspiration for the interiors is Adelsnäs, the Adelswärd family mansion in the south of Sweden.
The ambition with Götrich & Co is to create the obvious destination for classic elegance in an updated environment with a focus on craftsmanship, elegance and quality. Baron continues to be the brand for all our leather and canvas bags and accessories, and Götrich is the brand we use for our ready-to-wear garments, our bespoke tailoring business and our accessories in textile.
Our business on Humlegårdsgatan 19 in Stockholm includes a full-scale tailoring atelier in the basement and a shop and showroom on the street level.
Opening Hours
Monday through Friday: 11:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 16:00
Sunday: Closed