The future of bespoke fashion
By Olof Nithenius
One of the clearest trends, if you can call it that, is a transition to a more casual style. This is particularly evident in the business world, where many industries have had more or less formal dress codes throughout history. There is talk of ties going extinct. One question I have been pondering is the future of bespoke fashion. Will the casual trend that has taken hold after the pandemic (but which had already been creeping up before that) reduce the demand for bespoke fashion? Thankfully, I have come to the conclusion that the short answer is no.
The Struggle
Let me explain. First of all, I believe that there is a risk that some tailors or brands will go out of business in the coming years. It is not bespoke fashion itself that is threatened by today's "casual advocates", but rather the ability to adapt to the current situation and expectations. I think some old and prestigious tailors will struggle if they continue on the same path.
The experience
However, hope is not lost for tailors, as they actually have an ace up their sleeve that, if played right, can lead to a bright future. Today, a tailor can compete with one of the most important things there is: a unique customer experience! As a large part of our consumption has shifted to e-commerce, a tailor has all the opportunity in the world to offer a customer something that an online retailer or department store cannot provide. Something in the form of a very special shopping experience.

This experience is something that I can relate to myself after consuming bespoke fashion from a number of tailors around Europe over the past 15 years. The common denominator is the special feeling that comes with visiting a tailor. I will not deny that the feeling of being a tailor's customer creates a sort of exclusive belonging. A feeling that I do not think will disappear or cease to be in demand just because the current fashion is becoming more casual. By having nice premises, knowledgeable and friendly staff, and offering the customer a complete experience where they feel special, tailors have all the potential to have a legitimate place in the future.
The Responsible Choice
Another reason why bespoke fashion has a good chance not only to survive today's climate but also to thrive is the approach to sustainability that more and more people are adopting. Fashion consumption can never become as sustainable as bespoke clothing. It is a craft that makes clothes last much longer, has a good value in terms of natural wool fabrics, and has timeless designs that survive short-term fashion cycles. All of this means that, as awareness of consumption increases, bespoke fashion has a strong justification.

The Importance of Contemporary Design
To be successful in bespoke fashion, I also believe that one last important thing to consider is to adapt to trends in the short term. You may not have 80% of your business based on navy or gray business suits and white and blue shirts. Instead, offer bespoke garments with the craftsmanship and customer experience it entails in a more contemporary design. I think you can help a customer look well-dressed at work in, for example, cotton pants and an overshirt in wool. You can present shirt fabrics in discreet soft flannel or denim fabrics and match them with heavier wool flannel or corduroy trousers. This transition, combined with style advice, makes it possible for respected tailoring institutions such as Götrich to both weather the "storm" and grow.
Long live the craftsmanship!
Olof Nithenius